DYSLEXIA : Difficulty in Reading
A person with this specific learning disability (SpLD) may have problems that include sounding out words, spelling words, reading quickly, writing words, pronouncing words when reading aloud, and understanding what was read.

DYSCALCULIA: Difficulty in Mathematics
It is a specific learning disability (SpLD) involving innate difficulty in learning or comprehending arithmetic. It is akin to dyslexia and includes difficulty in understanding numbers, learning how to manipulate numbers, learning math facts, and a number of other related symptoms.

DYSGRAPHIA : Difficulty with written expression.
The term comes from the Greek words dys (“impaired”) and graphia (“making letter forms by hand”).
A person with this specific learning disability (SpLD) may have problems including illegible handwriting, inconsistent spacing, poor spatial planning on paper, poor spelling, and difficulty composing writing as well as thinking and writing at the same time.
Causes of Learning Disability :
DEVELOPMENTAL DYSLEXIA: Inherited neurological disorder. There is evidence to show that dyslexia runs in the families and is hereditary.
ACQUIRED DYSLEXIA: A person who is not born with dyslexia can become dyslexic. This can happen due to external factors like birth trauma, oxygen deprivation, difficult labour, accidents resulting in brain injuries, epilepsy and drugs prescribed for the control of epileptic seizure.

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